Terry McGovern
Terry is a living legend on radio, TV, commercials, animation, feature films, theatre and even CD Rom … you may remember him uttering those immortal words “those are not the droids we are looking for” in Star Wars. He has also appeared in American Graffiti, Mrs. Doubtfire and of course our favorite, The Curse of Monkey Island. He also has appeared in a few little TV productions like Cagney & Lacey, St. Elsewhere, Happy Days, Three’s Company, Mork & Mindy, The Jeffersons and Newhart. His voiceover, animation and CD Rom work goes into the thousands and includes stints for Disney, Lucasarts, X Box, Sega and too many others to list. Currently, Terry teaches commercial and character voice at Voice One in San Francisco, and serves on the faculty of The University of San Francisco and The College of Marin.