Greg Ogonowski
If Greg has that look in his eye like he knows something you don’t … well he most likely does. This audio engineering genius would rank right up there with the guys on the Big Bang Theory … except he speaks in English … and without the condescension. One of the busiest guys we know … one day Greg is in Tokyo and the next Silicon Valley … he’s hard to catch up with. In engineering terms, having been involved with the professional broadcast industry for over 30 years, Greg is the co-developer of the Orban Optimod® Digital Series of Broadcast Audio Processing Systems, featuring accurate peak control in the transmission path to achieve maximum loudness and sonic transparency. He is also co-developer of the Orban Opticodec-PC File and Streaming Encoders, the first commercially available AAC/aacPlus audio encoders for Internet streaming. Got all that? In short, Greg is responsible for making our Pooty audio sound glorious … to say nothing of countless other radio stations worldwide. Greg is head of Modulation Index, LLC and reachable at info@indexcom.com